Make sure the disk you are playing Links from is not full or locked.
To buy a full working version of Links Pro, see your local software retailer or contact Access Software at 1-800-800-4880.
Make sure AppleTalk is turned on and you are connected to the network.
Quit any other applications that are running and run Links Pro again, or select lower quality settings for Bitmapped Panorama and Bitmapped Objects in the Display Options dialog.
If you are running System 6, you must have Apple's ADSP Init installed in your system folder.
You must enter a user & machine name in the Sharing Setup control panel to play Links Pro over the network.
Quit any other applications that are using AppleTalk and try again.
Make sure AppleTalk is turned on and you are connected to the network.
Install the latest version of AppleTalk with Apple's Network Software Installer version 1.2 or later.
Turn on AppleTalk in the Chooser desk accessory under the Apple Menu.
Make sure AppleTalk is turned on and you are connected to the network.
Make sure the printer is turned on and has paper.
Quit any other applications that are running and run Links Pro again, or select lower quality settings for Bitmapped Panorama and Bitmapped Objects in the Display Options dialog.
Make sure the disk you are running Links Pro from is not locked or full.
Make sure the disk you are saving to is unlocked and has free space on it.
There may not be enough system memory outside of Links Pro. Decrease Links Pro's memory requirements by selecting it in the Finder, choosing "Get Info" in the File Menu, and entering a smaller number in the preferred/current size box.
The game will continue without sound effects.
Make sure the disk you are saving to is unlocked and has free space on it.
Make sure the disk you are playing Links from is not full or locked.
Make sure the player file is not locked or on a locked disk.
Switch back to 256 colors via the Monitors control panel.
Please re-install Links Pro from the disks in the original game package.
System software upgrades are available from your local Apple dealer.
Quit any other applications that are running and run Links Pro again, or select lower quality settings for Bitmapped Panorama and Bitmapped Objects in the Display Options dialog.